Sri Mannem Rami Reddy garu, the founder of Sree Rama Educational Society started SREERAMA ENGINEERING COLLEGE (SRET) with an aim to impart quality education to the studentcommunity of backward region of Rayalaseema in the year 2008. His outstandingpersonality, acumen and magnificent vision have made him a benevolent patron of theinstitutions. We are very much pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the upcomingEngineering Colleges aspiring to provide high standards of technical education.SRET fosters a vision of educational transformation in keeping pace with the times. Itemphasizes a symbiotic relationship among the students, faculty, academic curriculum andindustries. The institution offers a holistic approach to technical education,personality development and soft skills.
Sree Rama Engineering College was startedwith an annual intake of 240 students in 4 branches. At present, the college offers 5 B.Techprogrammes and 4 M.Tech. Programmes. The institute offers MBA programme as well. Thiseducational institution aims to provide an academically exhilarating environment allowing thestudents to enjoy a first class education and social experience.